The Uniform Civil Code in Nehru’s Vision as Debate & Consensus-Building Praxis

July 30, 2023 The Beacon 0

That’s Life!!!

Once again the Uniform Civil Code has surfaced with Prime Minister Narendra Modi opening that Pandora’s Box as a as a electioneering talking point that does not create consensus through debate on its intricacies and complexities. Compare that with Nehru’s vision on the Hindu Code Bills from the late 1940s on meant to explain the grounds for reform and take the Opposition along. Debate as praxis …[Read More]…

The Butcher of Bosnia by H Masud Taj

July 21, 2023 H. Masud Taj 0

Between The Lines

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum reports, “In July 1995, Bosnian Serb forces killed as many as 8,000 Bosniak men and boys from the town of Srebrenica. It was the largest massacre in Europe since the Holocaust.” Calligrapher-Poet H Masud Taj recalls verses from Song for the Besieged that he composed while killings were in progress in 1992-1993 simultaneously in Mumbai and Sarajevo, along with a found poem, The Butcher of Bosnia, based on the subsequent ruling of UN: The International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague…[Read More]…